The Asheville Fringe Festival "La Zoomed" by this week and while I would have liked to have seen everything, my limited college life budget necessitated that I only pick one of the three tickets. The ticket I chose was the featured one act, "Rock Saber," written by my friend Julian Vorus. I met him through No Shame Theatre where he frequently performed his own special brand of poetry, much to the delight of the No Shame crowds. A few months ago he started a series of short plays at No Shame which eventually become the play "Rock Saber." Put simply, I have never seen such a brilliant evening of pure and tightly focused energy. The play didn't seem to be about anything in particular, but there were many things you could take away from it. The script was excellent and funny, and the cast knew how to sell it. Of particualr interest was Darren Marshall as Big Paul, who doesn't say much, but when he does, look out. I think I shall forever wish to keep that theatrical moment in my memory. I think, most of all, this play happily reminded me the electricity of the downtown art's scene. I am so excited to see, espcially the theatre community, building it's artistic vocablary and community of writers and artists. As I said before, this play originated at No Shame, which might give you a good hint of where a good place to see this sort artistic growth in action might be.
Speaking of No Shame, the January No Shame came and went. As I have previously reported, I did the song. Let us just say that things did not go quite according to plan. I think I made it work though. To endeavor to descripe what happened would be a futile effort on my part, so you shall have to wait for the video to come out on Google. As for the rest of No Shame, this I spent in a daze, thus I shall not endeavor to report upon it. Febuary will be better, I am sure.
Yours dazed,
Nathan H. Adams