Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No Shame February / The Rocky Horror Picture Show March Madness

As predicted, I had much more fun at No Shame February. Since I was so busy trying to get into the swing of things at school, I was not as prepared as I usually am for No Shame. Thus my pieces were much smaller in scope than usual. First I read my "Hamster Sonnet," while acting out the part of the hamster. The sonnet is based on the true story of a friend of mine taking a hamster to school in her cleavage. I was so pleased to get the chance to finally perform it, even though my voice was about to give out from screaming my head off in "Titus Andronicus." Later in the night, I did a structured improv piece I put together with Joseph Barcia and a bunch of other people. It was called "Walking On Beggshells." It was about this guy who got approached by all these bums, who somehow had every single problem the bums were using as excuses for needing money. It was a lot of fun, the other pieces were great, and I walked away very pleased with life.

Also, in March, I popped my Rocky cherry. I finally went to see "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" that the Montford Park Players have been putting up with Carolina Cinemas. It was loads of fun. I was a little out of the loop with the callbacks, but that will be remedied over time. The best part was how much there was to look at. If the movie was boring, I looked at the shadow cast, if the shadow cast had nothing to do I listened to the audience. Next time I hope to participate, maybe I could pull off Dr. Scott . . .

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