Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Spitfire Grill

On Saturday, I went back to my old High School, Asheville Christian Academy to see there Spring musical, "The Spitfire Grill." "The Spitfire Grill" is a musical based off the movie off the same name. I had heard of the show, and knew vaguely what it was about, but other than that I had no exposure to the musical. The musical was wonderfully written, and it was a wonderful first introduction to the material.

The show was wonderful, much better than last year's show, "Annie." It was a much smaller, more ensemble show, and that really worked to the show's advantage. I am really pleased to see a theatre department growing at ACA, as there are obviously theatre classes going on.

Just about everything in this show was fantastic. The music was great, the leads were fantastic, the set and technical aspects were wonderful. I can't wait to see ACA's musical next year. Things there are great, and I hope they keep improving.

Yours ending March,
Nathan H. A.

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