It was a tiring tech week for Faustus, and to be honest, I was a little worried. Things were a bit behind in the set/costumes department, but just like the great thespians they are, Jill, Joe, Jason, Beth, etc all pulled it together for a great show. I wasn't sure how it all looked during opening night, the audience wasn't all that responsive, but at curtain call, I knew we had it. The audience was on its feet giving off a warmth that told me they had loved the show. The second night Jason said we had even more energy (despite the fact that so many of us had been up late after opening, or at least I was).
I am having a real blast playing ALL my parts (including the ones I play where I don't say anything, a testament to what a fun show this is). I play the Pope (pictures coming soon I hope), and I go out into the audience to collect money during intermission. It has been fascinating hearing the audience react to my presence in that costume (NEWS FLASH: People have very strong feelings regarding his holiness!). I can't wait to continue doing this show, and I hope we continue to do it justice. Jason has really created a magical evening of theatre, and I count myself as fortunate that I am able to be a part of it.
Here's a small piece of the magic, Mickey Hanley and Darren Marshall in deliciously evil costume backstage. I don't know who took the picture, but I think it's Mickey's camera (hope she doesn't mind!).

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